
Start Command


start <timer> [expire in <number>
[milliseconds | ticks | seconds]] Applies to timers


The start command tells a timer to go off after a specified amount of time. You can start a timer in one of two modes: single fire or multi-fire. In single fire mode, the timer goes off once, at the time you specify, using the default timerExpired message. To start a timer in single fire mode, just use the start command with the expire option. The expire option tells Oracle Media Object to start the timer in single fire mode. In multi-fire mode, the timer goes off as many times as you specify on the messages property, and sends the corresponding message(s) that you also specify on that property. To start a timer in multi-fire mode, take the following steps: 1. Using the messages property, specify the time intervals at which the timer should go off, and the corresponding messages that should be sent. 2. Start the timer using the start command without the expire option. Note that using the expire option overrides the settings on the messages property (that you set in Step 1, above) and starts the timer in single fire mode.


If you start a timer in single fire mode, any settings on the messages property are ignored. If you specify a unit of time (seconds, milliseconds, or ticks) on the start command, the unit of time set on the units property is ignored.


on mouseUp start timer "Buzzer" expire in 300 ticks end mouseUp Place the following handler into the script of the timer: on timerExpired beep put "Your time is up!"
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.